> 뉴스 > 사례 > 6 Reasons to Choose Chinese Instrument tube fittings Manufacturer
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    공장 보고서
강소 Yicheng 유체 설비 유한 회사
영업 관리자 : Jason Gao.
이메일 : sales01@yc-lok.com.


6 Reasons to Choose Chinese Instrument tube fittings Manufacturer

Luna 2021-11-05 16:34:46

6 Reasons to Choose Chinese Instrument tube fittings Manufacturer

Every factory owner will work hard to find suitable production facilities and accessories to increase production profits, and Instrument tube fittings are no exception. In the end, they all turned their attention to China and chose a China manufacturer of Instrument tube fittings. So why choose China's hydraulic instrument tube fittings? What are the benefits of choosing Chinese hydraulic tube fittings? The following 6 reasons tell you why you choose a Chinese manufacturer of hydraulic hose fittings.

Flush the World Top Technology

China's industry started late, but after a long period of rapid economic development, China has formed a complete industrial system with strong R&D and learning capabilities. And in the decades of development, China's hydraulic tube fittings companies and foreign high-level companies have conducted sufficient exchanges and learning, and have accumulated and learned to a level of technology comparable to those of others. Therefore, the appraisal of low-cost but low-tech products of Chinese companies is constantly being changed and more and more industry players are willing to choose Chinese technology, which will continue to promote the development of China's hydraulic instrument tube fitting technology.

High-level Workforce

One of the reasons for purchasing hydraulic tube fittings from China is that China has a large number of skilled workers and more and more high-level talents. The demographic advantage is well known. With the continuous development of the population, the complete popularization of compulsory education, and the full spread of higher education, China's demographic dividend has gradually turned to a technological dividend. At the same time, China has a complete industrial chain, which means that China has and can train a large number of industrial talents. There are many manufacturers of hydraulic tube fittings in China, and the competition is fierce. Judging from the current development trend of hydraulic tube fittings, the market and export volume of China's hydraulic tube fittings will continue to grow. Click to read to understand the development trend of China's hydraulic tube fittings.

Continuously Growing Population and Labor Force

Another reason for purchasing from China is the relatively low age of the population, with a large number of laborers under 50 years old. This provides great opportunities, because a younger workforce means a larger, more productive workforce. China's world-class basic education has brought high-quality technical personnel and high-level talents to the world. China's growing and impressively skilled workforce will certainly continue to grow in skill and scale. This means that we can see more and more engineering designers and manufacturers will provide what your company needs in the next few years.

Always Lower Cost

Another reason for purchasing high-quality hydraulic tube fittings from Chinese hydraulic tube fitting manufacturers is the lower total cost. From a simple data point of view, the wages of workers in China are gradually increasing, while wages in other developing countries such as Vietnam are lower than in China. Although labor costs in these countries are slightly lower than those in China, the diligence and dedication of Chinese workers is obvious to all. China is recognized as having higher work efficiency and duration, and more experience. It has a clear guarantee for the quality and price of the final product and the cost of the machine. And it has long been the advantage of China's industry and manufacturing industry.

Infrastructure and Geography

China's road transportation, urban construction, and industrial construction have made great achievements, which have provided great convenience for China's domestic transportation. China's imports and exports continue to grow, largely because of the help of excellent infrastructure. Geographically, China has a long coastline and China has many ports with huge throughput. This is the guarantee that Chinese hydraulic tube fittings manufacturers have fast delivery. For customers in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and West Asia, with the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, road transportation will also be unimpeded in the foreseeable future. The above are based on more and more powerful countries, which is an advantage that other competing countries are difficult to catch up with.


The last reason for purchasing from China is that China's politics, economy, and society are very stable. China is in a politically stable position, which means that more and more international investors see it as a reliable and trustworthy choice. Although the US and Chinese governments continue to have trade differences, many industrial products are still unrestricted. Moreover, a stable economy and production stability are very important. The COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 is the best proof of China's strong productivity. In just three months, from the full outbreak of the epidemic to the full control of the epidemic and the resumption of production, it embodies the strong stability. This reflects that the interests of customers can be fully guaranteed, and you don't have to worry about delays in your order. Its stable economic and political environment and relatively clean record in compliance with safety and other corporate social responsibility (CSR) obligations can give it an advantage in competition with manufacturers in other countries.

How to Choose High-quality Chinese Hydraulic instrument tube Fittings?

In China, there are many excellent manufacturers of hydraulic tube fittings. But YC-LOK, jiangsu Yicheng Fluid Equipment Co.,Ltd is still our first choice. At YC-LOK, high-quality hydraulic hose fittings are the core of our production. We have high-level engineers and skilled workers, we can provide various specifications of Instrument tube fittings, and accept customization. If you want to know more information, please click here to view our hydraulic tube fittings products and Contact us.