> 뉴스 > 사례 > The application range of the tube fitting
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  • 공장 보고서

    공장 보고서
강소 Yicheng 유체 설비 유한 회사
영업 관리자 : Jason Gao.
이메일 : sales01@yc-lok.com.


The application range of the tube fitting

Luna 2021-06-17 14:53:24
Tube fitting is the connection between pipe and pipe tools, can tear open outfit of the connection point between components and pipeline. It plays an indispensable role in the pipe, which is one of the two main components of the hydraulic pipes. Tube fitting used in instrument such as a straight line connection, connection socket weld or threaded connection. Mainly used for small diameter of low pressure pipeline, for often takes the part of the installation, or as a final adjustment using threaded pipe line. Structure form appropriate USES metal surface contact seal structure, the structure of gasket seal is typically used for conveying water, oil, air and other general piping, malleable cast iron materials manufacturing.In addition, use requirement and the price also is the relative factor. There are various types of tube fittings, and the commonly used tube fittings in general can be divided into two kinds of hard-tube fittings and hose fittings. In accordance with the pipe and pipe connection way, hard-tube fittings have three types: flare type, bite type and weld type. Hose fitting is mainly swaged hose fittings.
Because the tube fitting is dismountable connector belongs to the connection of components, it is satisfying the normal connection solid, sealing capability, reasonable size, small pressure loss, good process performance requirements, and so on, it is also necessary to meet the requirements of dismantling and assembling facilities. So don't look down upon a small tube fitting, Because only its presence can support the existence of the entire hydraulic system.